Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Random Rantings

~In the midst of exams, I thank God for K-Pop, they kept me entertained =)

~Sometimes feel my laughing very 'tak-budget' (Meaning I can laugh like really LOUD XD)
- even in formal situations or at night. When I find something really amuses me (even alone), I'll just go "HAHAHAHA". And then realize oops, dad and bro sleeping =P

~Sometimes, I feel like a Monkey (due to the rather adventurous part of me, I like to take risks particularly when play outdoors)
- Happens in a waterpark I went recently (1) and also my friend's attempt to pluck a rambutan from a rambutan tree (2).

(1)At the waterpark
Any rides that we went, I just went 'Come la come la'...Only to have my heart leaped up when we slided down (FACE first) a very steep slide. But I still found it fun and chi-kek.

(2) Under the rambutan tree
We wanted to pluck the rambutans at an aunty's house. Since my friend was the only guy present, he was chosen to be the 'plucker' =D. Rambutan was too high up, tried with a chair, only got 3. Wanted to take the rest, aunty suggested a ladder from the storeroom. I went 'OK!' and headed straight wanting to take the ladder. Cause I thought why not? Can have more rambutans! Instead, I was stopped by my friend and the sister. Only to make me realize that ok, that was quite dangerous =P

Thought to self: my too adventurous heart can make me oblivious to danger at times =/

Saturday, December 11, 2010

A song to share with you =)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

One of these days, one of the verse!

Today, is just one of these days where things just don't feel right..

Want to sleep but cannot sleep, felt restless the whole day, rapid thoughts flying in and out of my head, heart beats like 120kmj (most likely due to the fever-ish-ness thats still lingering in my body), felt distant from a close friend, want to do things but cannot do coz tak de much energy due to the sickness...

Its just one of the days that makes you go 'HAIHHZZZZZZzzzzz' =/

Wonder if you've ever felt it before?

Then while I was lying down trying to fall asleep again, suddenly, this bible verse pops to my mind:

"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things" (Philippians 4:8)

Then, almost instantly, my heart beat went from 120kmj -> 80-90kmj (approx) and I felt like 'Hahhh.... (peace)'. I am NOT joking, it did happen that way!

For that, I give thanks for a Living God who is my very present help in times of need!

*Makes me realize how powerful thoughts can be...Well, that can be another topic for another day =)*

For now, I shall dwell on these thoughts that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely and of good report and be joyous for the rest of the day!

Woohhhhoooooo! =D

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A HAPPY Equation

A merry heart -> a happy face -> happy friends -> happy community -> happy world

This is just a random thought I came out with. Happened to look pretty interesting!

Talks about how ONE person, by choosing to BE a difference, can MAKE a difference and then differences after differences. Its a ripple effect!

In this context today, will be a merry heart! =)))

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I could not EMPHASIZE the importance of living with your HEART, your HATI, the part of you that speaks the deepest most true-st part of you.

Many in our world today live with a mask, in fear, in insecurity, in thinking "What if I am not good enough?"

Come out, come out from that shell!

YOU are a beautiful creation. Connect your mind with your heart. Allow your heart to speaks its own language. Though others may despise you for speaking the truth, at least you live as you are, you are not in denial.

Your heart (inner self) is more important than your outward appearance. Your outward self will wax and wane. It will grow fat, more wrinkles, more pimples, less toned one day. It won't last... What lasts is your inner self. Your personality, your character, your much your life has imparted unto others. Build on those.

If we wanna change the world, we must first change our own view of self, then the world.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

HAPPY! =))

If we want others to be Happy, first be happy yourself =)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Don't stay down, get up and fight

Was going through some emotional moments today when I got home...

Then these words resounded in my head, words that I read from a blog previously:

"When you get beaten down, you don't stay down,
You get up and fight!

Reminds me again that life is about choices.

Some circumstances spur us forward to be a better person while some drags us down. They can come from words that people say or incidents that have happened (either around us or things close to our hearts). No matter what it is, WE are the ones that control how we feel and whether we can overcome.

So I'll take the words from the blog. After I cry, I wipe my tears and I stand up again and live life to its fullest measure!

Praise God!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

From the wise saying of 'Evans Almighty'

God doesn’t give u something when u ask for it, but He gives you opportunity to work on it.

Just like if you ask God for patience, He doesn’t give u patience, He gives you the opportunity to be patient.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Don't Compare

You are beautiful just the way you are. There is none other like you.

Look within you, not outside, you'll find more beauty than you know.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Though surrounded by temptations,

I will hold true to myself. I will hold true to You.


Friends you choose to hang out with are very important.

True friends are those who will build you up, encourage you; who will dare to challenge you and be upright with you.

True friends are those who will speak the truth to you, even if it may sound ugly. They are those who will stand by you, and still stick with you even when you've made a mistake.

Friends who tend to tear you down and discourages you a lot are friends to be careful with as they may stifle your growth and potential as a person.

However, as far as choosing friends are important, seek also to BE a true friend to others =)


Friday, November 12, 2010

What if, the world runs out of electricity for 1 Month?

What will you do?

No more internet, facebook, phones/handphones (coz no HQ to provide services ma) etc...

How will you handle relationships then?

No more behind the digital lines, no more masks, it has to be done face-to-face.

Will your priorities change as compared to now?

~Some food for thought~

*Just a random thought that came to me, in the mid of assignment > <*

Thursday, November 11, 2010

When I turned my grumbling, complaining and self-pity into thanksgiving and praises to God for all the good things He have given to me,

When I chose to focus on my blessings instead of what is lacking,

When I chose to see hope and positive instead of the past and failures,


Praise God!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

We can't change the world, but we can change one person at a time.

So, we can start by the person next to you... "HELLO!"


What drives you?

No, I'm not talking about Caltex.

I'm talking about passions, desires, dreams...

So what DRIVES you?

Saturday, November 6, 2010

One day...

A man will love my mind more than my face, my heart more than my body.

A man will love me for who I am